Knowledge base

Terms, definitions, information. Start here if you want to learn more about Safetica solutions.

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Webinars and events

From online webinars to meetups and technology fairs... here is a list of all Safetica events.

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Formats: eBooks

Ease of implementation

Safetica integrates seamlessly into your existing security stack, therefore it helps to protect your data against leakage and insider threats properly.

2021 DLP Data Quadrant led by Safetica

SoftwareReviews named Safetica as award winner in 2021 Data Loss Prevention Data Quadrant. Get the in-depth report with DLP vendors comparison bellow.

E-book: Protect Company Data in a Hybrid Work Environment

Companies use digital workspaces, flexible and remote work, and agile principles. Read our e-book and find out how to secure your data.

Download the Radicati Group Report: DLP Market Quadrant

Download the full report today, find out why Safetica is a proven leader and how its DLP solutions will help you prevent data loss and future-proof your business.